What to take..? What to leave..?


It’s easy to get carried away and totally paranoid about the subject of what to take when travelling;

 ‘What should I take? What shouldn’t I take? What if I don’t take this but need it? What if take this but never need it and it’s wasting space?’

it’s also easy to say ‘sod it’! I’ll just take what I have and make do whilst I’m out there!’.

Fortunately I’m not going to a totally uninhabited 3rd world region on this trip, I’m traveling about 4000 miles which, to some, may be a long way but it’s mainly on good roads, with access to fuel, service stations, towns, and supplies en route. I’m not that concerned.

So what am I taking?

iPad with CoPilot Satnav app installed
Garmin Satnav
Asus Laptop
Canon 350D DSLR
GoPro Hero 2
12v Shower
European Road Maps
Trangia Stove
Hi-lift Jack
Assortment of tools
Socket set
Cable Ties
Duck Tape
Gas Soldering Iron
Spare Cables & Fuses
First aid kits
Spirit fuel
Basha & Poles
Light My fire Firesteels
Light my Fire Tinder on a rope and Tindersticks
BBQ Grill
Sachets of instant coffee Sachets of Hot Chocolate
20 ltrs of water
Tins of soup & stew
Tinned hot dogs
Selection of tinned veg
2 ltrs of Long Life Milk
Washing & Shower items
Henderson’s Relish
Porridge Pots
Toilet Paper
Wet wipes
Walking boots

Oh and a 1990 Land rover Defender 200 TDI 110 complete with Bed installed….

The Big Body Issues…..

To give some idea of the task ahead, I thought I’d share some photos of the areas of most concern for this project.

This post is all about the body.

Doors, floor rails, C posts, capping, wheels; all need replacing.

Over the time of this blog I’ll be showing the attempts I make at this. Bearing in mind I haven’t welded or performed any bodywork restoration previously, It’ll be interesting (for me anyway) to learn how to do all of this.

In addition to the lack of experience, there are other things to overcome such as not having a workshop or garage of any kind in which to do the work….

We’ll see how I get on…









Starting At The Beginning….

I've started the restoration by removing items that are surplus to requirement, too rusty to keep or simply items that don't fit with the end result I'm looking for.
Starting at the front of the Landy, I've removed the rusty light guards, the very rusty spotlights, replaced all of the remaining lights and panels.
I've also added a little cosmetic paint to the underside and fitted a new number plate.
All totally superficial items at this stage.

From Beast to Beauty?

So, this is the base vehicle for the restoration.
She's a 1990 200tdi 110. Currently on around 250,000 miles and seems to be going strong. There are a few oil leaks from the transmission, and there are a few bodywork and chassis issues to resolve. All of these will come to light over the coming posts but just wanted to start out by showing off the starting point.


For many years I’ve wanted to write, either a novel, short story, poetry, or even a blog.

The problem is, having something to write about. I wouldn’t say I have a dull life, it’s had it’s moments, it’s been eventful at times but then who wants to read about failed attempts at online dating? Or even a couple of successful attempts if I do say so myself..!

Anyway, this blog is going to be about me, my Land Rover Defender renovation project, the travels I’ll be going on, maybe something about work and most likely my take on life.

All in all, this will be Steve in real life.